The product pages:
- Violins
- 1/4 Violinset - HOFNER MODEL 2 - all solid - shoulder rest
- 1/2 Violinset - HOFNER MODEL 2 - all solid - shoulder rest
- Detail image: geige-hoefner-2-boden.jpg
- Detail image: geige-geigenkoffer-hoefner-2-offen.jpg
- Detail image: geige-geigenkoffer-hoefner-2-geschlossen.jpg
- 3/4 Violinset - HOFNER MODEL 2 - all solid - shoulder rest
- Detail image: geige-hoefner-2-boden.jpg
- Detail image: geige-geigenkoffer-hoefner-2-geschlossen.jpg
- Detail image: geige-geigenkoffer-hoefner-2-offen.jpg
- 1/4 Violinset - HOFNER MODEL 3 - all solid - shoulder rest
- 1/2 Violinset - HOFNER MODEL H5 ALLEGRETTO - all solid - shoulder rest
- 1/4 Violinset - HOFNER MODEL H5 ALLEGRETTO - all solid - shoulder rest
- 1/4 Violinset - HOFNER MODEL H11E-V-0 PRESTO - all solid - shoulder rest
- 3/4 Violinset - HOFNER MODEL H11E-V-0 PRESTO - all solid - shoulder rest
- 1/2 Violinset - HOFNER MODEL H11E-V-0 PRESTO - all solid - shoulder rest
- 4/4 Violinset - GASPARINI MODEL PRIMO - all solid - shoulder rest
- 3/4 Violinset - GASPARINI MODEL PRIMO - all solid - shoulder rest
- 1/4 Violinset - GASPARINI MODEL PRIMO - all solid - shoulder rest
- 1/8 Violinset - GASPARINI MODEL PRIMO - all solid - shoulder rest
- 1/16 Violinset - GASPARINI MODEL PRIMO - all solid - shoulder rest
- 3/4 Violinset GASPARINI MODEL ADVANCED - all solid - shoulder rest
- Violas
- 4/4 (15.5") Violaset - HOFNER MODEL 2 - all solid
- 1/4 (12.5") Violaset - HOFNER MODEL H7 - all solid
- 1/8 (12") Violaset - GASPARINI MODEL PRIMO - all solid
- 4/4 (15.5") Violaset - GASPARINI MODEL PRIMO - all solid
- 4/4 (16") Violaset - GASPARINI MODEL PRIMO - all solid
- 1/4 (13") Violaset - GASPARINI MODEL PRIMO - all solid
- Violins
- Violas
- 1/8 (12") Left Handed Children's Violaset - GASPARINI MODEL PRIMO - all solid - shoulder pad
- 1/4 (13") Left Handed Children's Violaset - GASPARINI MODEL PRIMO - all solid - shoulder pad
- 1/2 (14") Left Handed Children's Violaset - GASPARINI MODEL PRIMO - all solid - shoulder pad
- 3/4 (15") Left Handed Violaset - GASPARINI MODEL PRIMO - all solid - shoulder pad
- 4/4 (15.5") Left Handed Violaset - GASPARINI MODEL PRIMO - all solid - shoulder pad
- Electric-Guitars
- Electric Guitar BURNY RLC 55 BLK BLACK
- Electric Guitar DUESENBERG FULLERTON HOLLOW MIKE CAMPBELL 2 - Candy Apple Red + Custom Line Case
- Detail image: e-gitarre-duesenberg-fullerton-hollow-series-mike-campbell-2-body.jpg
- Detail image: e-gitarre-duesenberg-dtv-custom-line-case-vorderansicht.jpg
- Electric Guitar BERSTECHER Deluxe - Old Whisky / Cream Perloid + hard case - made in Germany
- Detail image: e-gitarre-berstecher-deluxe-old-whisky-creamy-perloid-front.jpg
- Detail image: e-gitarre-berstecher-deluxe-old-whisky-creamy-perloid-pickguard.jpg
- Detail image: e-gitarre-berstecher-deluxe-old-whisky-creamy-perloid-back.jpg
- Detail image: e-gitarre-berstecher-deluxe-old-whisky-creamy-perloid-backside.jpg
- Detail image: e-gitarre-berstecher-old-whisky-deluxe-logo.jpg
- Detail image: e-gitarre-Berstecher-nickel-headstock.jpg
- Detail image: e-gitarre-Berstecher-nickel-machine-heads.jpg
- Detail image: e-gitarre-berstecher-hardcase-black-tweet.jpg
- Electric Guitar DUESENBERG CARIBOU - Black - Tremolo + custom line case
- Detail image: e-gitarre-duesenberg-caribou-black-korpus.jpg
- Detail image: e-gitarre-duesenberg-dtv-custom-line-case-vorderansicht.jpg
- Electric Guitar BERSTECHER Deluxe - Black Cherry / Black Sparkle + hard case - made in Germany
- Detail image: e-gitarre-berstecher-deluxe-black-cherry-black-sparkle-pickguard.jpg
- Detail image: e-gitarre-berstecher-deluxe-black-cherry-black-sparkle-front.jpg
- Detail image: e-gitarre-berstecher-deluxe-black-cherry-black-sparkle-back.jpg
- Detail image: e-gitarre-berstecher-deluxe-black-cherry-black-sparkle-backside.jpg
- Detail image: e-gitarre-berstecher-old-whisky-deluxe-logo.jpg
- Detail image: e-gitarre-Berstecher-nickel-headstock.jpg
- Detail image: e-gitarre-Berstecher-nickel-machine-heads.jpg
- Detail image: e-gitarre-berstecher-hardcase-black-tweet.jpg
- Electric Guitar BERSTECHER Deluxe - Black / Floral Black + hard case - made in Germany
- Detail image: e-gitarre-berstecher-vintage-black-floral-black-pickguard.jpg
- Detail image: e-gitarre-berstecher-vintage-black-floral-black-front.jpg
- Detail image: e-gitarre-berstecher-vintage-black-floral-black-back.jpg
- Detail image: e-gitarre-berstecher-vintage-black-floral-black-backside.jpg
- Detail image: e-gitarre-berstecher-old-whisky-deluxe-logo.jpg
- Detail image: e-gitarre-Berstecher-nickel-headstock.jpg
- Detail image: e-gitarre-Berstecher-nickel-machine-heads.jpg
- Detail image: e-gitarre-berstecher-hardcase-black-tweet.jpg
- Electric Guitar BERSTECHER Deluxe Vintage - Black / Floral Amber + hard case - made in Germany
- Detail image: e-gitarre-berstecher-vintage-black-floral-amber-pickguard.jpg
- Detail image: e-gitarre-berstecher-vintage-black-floral-amber-front.jpg
- Detail image: e-gitarre-berstecher-vintage-black-floral-amber-back.jpg
- Detail image: e-gitarre-berstecher-vintage-black-floral-amber-backside.jpg
- Detail image: e-gitarre-Berstecher-vintage-cooper-headstock.jpg
- Detail image: e-gitarre-Berstecher-vintage-cooper-machine-heads.jpg
- Detail image: e-gitarre-berstecher-hardcase-black-tweet.jpg
- Electric Guitar BERSTECHER Deluxe Vintage - Black / Floral Red + hard case - made in Germany
- Detail image: e-gitarre-berstecher-vintage-black-floral-red-pickguard.jpg
- Detail image: e-gitarre-berstecher-vintage-black-floral-red-front.jpg
- Detail image: e-gitarre-berstecher-vintage-black-floral-red-back.jpg
- Detail image: e-gitarre-Berstecher-vintage-cooper-headstock.jpg
- Detail image: e-gitarre-Berstecher-vintage-cooper-machine-heads.jpg
- Detail image: e-gitarre-berstecher-hardcase-black-tweet.jpg
- Electric Guitar BERSTECHER Deluxe Vintage (Hot B) - Black Cherry / Floral Black + hard case - made in Germany
- Detail image: e-gitarre-berstecher-vintage-black-cherry-floral-black-pickguard.jpg
- Detail image: e-gitarre-berstecher-vintage-black-cherry-floral-black-front.jpg
- Detail image: e-gitarre-berstecher-vintage-black-cherry-floral-black-back.jpg
- Detail image: e-gitarre-berstecher-vintage-black-cherry-floral-black-backside.jpg
- Detail image: e-gitarre-Berstecher-vintage-cooper-headstock.jpg
- Detail image: e-gitarre-Berstecher-vintage-cooper-machine-heads.jpg
- Detail image: e-gitarre-berstecher-hardcase-black-tweet.jpg
- Electric Guitar BERSTECHER Deluxe Vintage (Hot B) - Black / Floral Brown + hard case - made in Germany
- Detail image: e-gitarre-berstecher-vintage-black-floral-amber-backside.jpg
- Detail image: e-gitarre-berstecher-vintage-black-floral-amber-back.jpg
- Detail image: e-gitarre-Berstecher-vintage-cooper-headstock.jpg
- Detail image: e-gitarre-Berstecher-vintage-cooper-machine-heads.jpg
- Detail image: e-gitarre-berstecher-hardcase-black-tweet.jpg
- Electric MGH GUITARS Blizzard Beast Deluxe - green amber burst + softcase - made in Germany
- Detail image: e-gitarre-mgh-guitars-blizzard-beast-deluxe-green-burst-back.jpg
- Detail image: e-gitarre-mgh-guitars-blizzard-beast-deluxe-green-burst-front.jpg
- Detail image: e-gitarre-mgh-guitars-blizzard-beast-deluxe-green-burst-body.jpg
- Detail image: e-gitarre-mgh-guitars-blizzard-beast-deluxe-green-burst-headstock.jpg
- Electric MGH GUITARS Blizzard Beast Premium Deluxe - black cherry burst + softcase - made in Germany
- Detail image: e-gitarre-mgh-guitars-blizzard-beast-deluxe-black-cherry-burst-back.jpg
- Detail image: e-gitarre-mgh-guitars-blizzard-beast-deluxe-black-cherry-burst-front.jpg
- Detail image: e-gitarre-mgh-guitars-blizzard-beast-deluxe-black-cherry-burst-body.jpg
- Detail image: e-gitarre-mgh-guitars-blizzard-beast-deluxe-black-cherry-burst-headstockjpg.jpg
- Electric Guitar BERSTECHER Deluxe Vintage (Hot B) - Amber / Floral Nature + hard case - made in Germany
- Classical Guitars
- Spanish Classical Master Guitar JOSE GONZALEZ LOPEZ spruce - all solid - spruce top + case
- Spanish Classical Master Guitar JUAN ANTONIO CORREA MARIN spruce - all solid - spruce top + case
- Spanish Classical Guitar VALDEZ MODEL 3 - solid cedar top
- Archtop Guitars
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- Cites 2